Tax ID. Registration for company or juristic person in Thailand
Condition of registration of Tax ID Number: Every juristic person who registered and carry on business in Thailand and foreigner who work in Thailand must apply for a tax ID number to be a taxpayer within 60 days since the date of incorporation, this Tax ID number must be quoted on all tax returns.
Service fee for TAX ID registration / application for Foreign Corporation is Baht 20,000
- A Thai company must use “Registration Number” to be Tax ID number for all kind of tax returns.
Serve fee for TAX ID registration / application for Individual (foreigner) is Baht 10,000
** Since May 2017, Tax Authority in Thailand just change the rule which required more document such as working permit and prove for the residence here in Thailand and etc, so we can serve for case by case only.
*** Tax ID for invdividual especially foreinger, click here.
Required Documents for Tax ID Number Registration
Company’s evidences:
1. LP.10.3 (Tax ID Number application) From 1 Set.
2. Copy of Affidavit (Not exceed 6 months) 1 set.
3. Copy of ID card of signatory director(s).
4. Copy of Housing Registration of signatory director(s).
Business office’s evidences:
5. Permission Letter for using business office issued by owner
6. Copy of ID Card and House registration – owner 1 set:
In case of owner is a juristic person, item no.13 will be waived and must be used below documents which are consisted of:
- Copy of Affidavit and Objective of owner (juristic person), for 1 set each.
- Copy of ID card of the signatory director(s) (juristic person) for 1 set each.
- Copy of House registration of the signatory director(s) (juristic person) for 1 set each.
- All above must be signed (as certify) by signatory director(s), except item no.5 – 6.
- Case of the company was set up by Panwa Group item no. 2 will be prepared by Panwa Group.
- Case of foreigner using Copy of Passport instead of ID. Card.
For more information, please feel free to contact us:
Phones: +66 2 933 9000
WhatsApp: +66 85 713 1000
LineApp ID: @panwa
Address: 1560 Latphrao Rd., Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand.
Sky train: Yellow Line, Chokchai 4 Station, Gate 4. Our office is located between Soi Latphrao 50 and 52.