I only have a company registration number: 010161000xxxx, could you help me to find this company with this registration number? I would be really grateful if you could help me find this company.
Panwa: Please clarify the meaning and scope of “find” the company, normally we serve document search and some case, we can visit client’s office and review (recheck) some kind of documents at their place. If you just need the company document search service, please visit our website, click here and choose the package and do the payment and let us know by email so that we can start immediately.
For more information, please feel free to contact us:
Phones: +66 2 933 9000
Email: bkk@panwa.co.th
WhatsApp: +66 85 713 1000
LineApp ID: @panwa
Address: 1560 Latphrao Rd., Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/MhJsbjkPrji51Qyt6
Sky train: Yellow Line, Chokchai 4 Station, Gate 4. Our office is located between Soi Latphrao 50 and 52.
I’m an importer and i was in search of a supplier to secure some supplies, after receiving several quotations and settled on two have decided to do background check on the two companies.one purport to be registered under certificate ref no. 56051670525957 and the other under reg. cert. ref no. BKK/GP/04/34/6345T.how can i confirm the two registration exist and are genuine considering I’m out of thailand???
Yes, we can searh for this company for company incorporation document and aslo can be duplicated its company incorporation documents too. To response you faster please contact via email or whatsapp at number +66 80 919 6225, Thank you and best regards, Mr.Tana Sipa.
Hello I am trader from Greece I need to check this registration number of a company name ANAWIN MEEPRATHET
Can you please tell me if this company exist?
Thank you!
yes, we can serve please choose the option/package in our webpage at:https://www.companythailand.net/company-document-search-in-thailand-by-panwa-group-of-companies/
when the payment is done please let us know so that the result will be sent you within that day or next day. thank you.