Domain Name “” by using Thai company to register/ apply/ reserve
Panwa can provide our Thai company to register the Domain Name under “” on your behalf;
Our service fee;
- Baht 30,000 per year plus domain name fee (estimate Baht 800).
Your benefits:
- To save your cost for company registration, tax return, financial statement, company’s address and other maintenance cost.
- No liabilities and responsibilities for company’s duty.
- You can cancel the agreement anytime without extra charge.
- The Domain name can be transferred to your Thai company anytime.
- We will help you to apply the domain.
- You have to sign the agreement that you are willing to mange or transfer this Domain Name.
- You will not use it in any illegal way.
Further knowledge:
To apply the domain name under “” by register via and the requires one of these documents as below:
- Company Affidavit
- Company Certificate
- VAT Certificate (if any)
- cost for domain name is Baht 800 per year.
For more information, please feel free to contact us:
Phones: +66 2 933 9000
WhatsApp: +66 81 919 6225 (Mr. Tana Sipa)
LineApp ID: @panwa