by panwa group | Dec 3, 2021 | 5.QA
Our company’s address (which we also used to register under VAT) did not include the room number, however, on the tax invoice that our supplier issued, they included the room number for easier to find the address. Can such tax invoice be used to claim VAT? Panwa:...
by panwa group | Dec 3, 2021 | 5.QA
If the deadline for submission of financial statement to DBD (DBD e-filling system) falls under holidays, can we submit it in the next working day?. Panwa: Please note that in case the financial statements submission deadline falls under holidays, the company can...
by panwa group | Nov 12, 2021 | 5.QA
The Company registered in Thailand would like to discuss that if the Company will export the goods to DG limited in China, the goods will be delivered to their representative in Thailand first due to their warehouse in overseas is inconvenient to store the goods now....
by panwa group | Nov 12, 2021 | 5.QA
What are the conditions that a marginal deposit, deposit, product packaging do not have to pay VAT? Panwa : (1) By business traditions, a security deposit or container deposit has been charged (not including a charge for indemnification or loss of the container)...
by panwa group | Nov 12, 2021 | 5.QA
The Company have exported the goods to our client in India last December 25, 2020, in amount of USD25,000 and it arrived India on January 5, 2021. How does the Company recognize this income if the incoterm is “ex works”, please advise. Panwa: Please note that if the...