by panwa group | Mar 11, 2023 | 2.Corporate
ノータリーパブリックはノータリーパブリック弁護士により書類を証明する。(タイ王国バンコク都)ノータリーパブリックサービスもしくはノータリーパブリック弁護士による書類証明サービス 外国で使用するための書類証明 外国留学のための書類証明 外国での就業、婚姻、転居、住所申請のための書類証明 翻訳証明、翻訳者証明 国際投資や共同出資、その他目的のための会社重要書類証明 婚姻状況、出生届、死亡届、氏名変更届等の個人書類証明 住所重要書類証明 業務経歴書類証明 パスポート証明...
by panwa group | Mar 11, 2023 | 3.Accounting-Tax
NGO – Tax Guidance for NGO, Foundation and Association in Thailand NGO which has been registered in Thailand (except NGO or Public Charitable Institutions, Clinics and Educational Institutions under Section 47 (7) (b) of the Revenue Code) must file its Income...
by panwa group | Mar 11, 2023 | 2.Corporate
BOI – Guideline – How to apply BOI certificate in Thailand Since Panwa has provided services to our clients to investment in Thailand, the important and essential matter must learn before setting up the company is BOI’s incentive. Below is our summarized...
by panwa group | Mar 11, 2023 | 1.Services
Opening of Bank Account in Thailand Thai banks provide a wide range of services throughout the country. Most foreign banks are represented; however, at this stage they offer limited services to the individual consumer. Banking hours are generally from 08:30-15:30,...
by panwa group | Mar 10, 2023 | 3.Accounting-Tax
Auditor Thailand You can trust our professional team, Heads of auditing team are tasked with full time duty and are available to answer inquiries from the clients. Our heads of auditing team are: Mr. Tana Sipa has long time experience in local and international of...