by panwa group | Mar 16, 2023 | 1.Services
Company Secretarial Service, Company Secretary – Thailand Company Secretary may not be enforced by the Civil and Commercial Code of Partnership and Companies in Thailand, but to comply with its company law, all companies should appoint a qualified firm to do...
by panwa group | Mar 16, 2023 | 2.Corporate
Foreign Business Act BE 2542 – How to hold share capital 100% Types of Business Restricted by Foreign Business Act BE 2542 (1999) Annex 1Business in which aliens are not allowed to operate for special reasons 1) Newspaper publication, radio or television station2)...
by panwa group | Mar 16, 2023 | 2.Corporate
Promoter for register a company Thailand Company promoters are responsible for company registration with the Ministry of Commerce (MOC). The promoters must be an individual (not juristic persons). They must be available to sign documentation during the registration...
by panwa group | Mar 16, 2023 | 2.Corporate
Police Summon Letter (Royal Thai Police) – Not Filing Financial Statement What to do if I received police summon letter for not filing company’s financial statement?We can briefly recommend you 3 steps if you received the police summon letter. Call to the police or...
by panwa group | Mar 14, 2023 | 2.Corporate
Fine rate – Late submission of financial statement in Thailand (For company limited / public company / limited partnership / joint venture) Under Accounting Act B.E. 2543 Section 11 Paragraph 1 the company will be responsible to pay for the penalty upon late...